Communication Letter 2024-15

1.  IISHF Men European Championships 2024 – updated Time Schedule.

The IISHF Presidium has received a request from the hosting club Amstetten to approve a change of the Time Schedule for the upcoming IISHF Men European Championships 2024 so that the game Germany vs. Austria shall be moved from Friday to Thursday September 19, at 8 PM (20.00).

It has been requested by the hosting club so they can guarantee as many spectators as possible at the start to the European Championship to bring forward the originally planned match 2 from Friday September 20, 2024, from 11.45 AM Germany vs. Austria to Thursday September 19, 2024, at 8 PM (20.00). This would give the opportunity to promote the sport of skater hockey on Thursday at the opening ceremony and organize a great kick-off for our sport in front of numerous spectators.

This would not affect the rest of the match schedule. It will remain the same as it is.

This has now been accepted by both the Austrian and the German Federation and approved by the IISHF Presidium.

Attached please find the updated Time Schedule and Tournament Rules.


2.  IISHF Men European Championships 2025 sanctioned – clarification Title Event dates

The IISHF Presidium has as published on 22 August 2024 sanctioned that BISHA (Great Britain) will host the IISHF Men European Championships 2025. The event will take place on 25-28 September 2025 in Bisley (Great Britain) and not as first written 25-29 September. Games will in general be played on 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Opening Ceremony and any possible Opening game might take place Thursday evening.

Authored By: Erik Sommer
IISHF Men Championship 2024 Time Schedule Updated
IISHF European Championships IISHF European Championships 2025 Title Events Title Events 2025