Communication Letter 2023-18

1. ITC. General recommendation for NMA communication and handling

 Please note that any legal and official correspondence between IISHF and NMAs shall be only led and without any exclusion by email and not by any other form of digital communication. Example WhatsApp.

It’s important to understand that the ITC is a legal document within IISHF and the journey as such is that this must be completed by the team and then sent on to the NMA approver (appointed by the NMAs) who then checks and approves \ rejects the documents based on the information being correct or incorrect.

By completing this document on behalf of the team the NMA approver are running a risk of serious issues should there be a dispute before, during or post an event with you signing the ITC on their behalf. 

Lastly, please ensure that all ITC’s forwarded by NMAs are completed by the team. If the team is a national team this should be completed by the team manager or coach and then forwarded to the NMA approver prior to processing.


2. NMA ITC Approvers – 2nd approver recommended

IISHF Presidium has in 2022 asked all NMAs to supply the names and email addresses of up to two people within your National Member Association who will be appointed to be an official aprover of an International Team Certificate. If any changes to this information it should be sent to with a copy to

Currently the following persons are nominated as NMA approvers listing those 5 countries that have actively participated in IISHF Title Events in 2023.

 Austria: Tamas Vaczi.

Denmark: Erik Sommer and Claes Fréder.

Germany: Carsten Arndt and Dennis Müller.

Great Britain: George Wagerfield and Steven Dickinson.

Switzerland: Gilles Sansonnens.

 For those countries that have only one NMA approver IISHF will recommend that they appoint a 2nd approver as backup.


3. Deadline clarification for all Teams participating in the IISHF Men European Championships 2023

 Please note that the deadline in the IISHF Communication Letter 2023-14 published on 09.07.2023 in point 3 for all Teams participating in the IISHF Men European Championships 2023 is 21.09.2023 (and not 21.09.2024).

So, the following applies according to point §12.1 IISHF Constitution the IISHF Presidium has imposed an official deadline for all Teams participating in European Championships 2023 to send the following material.

  • 15.1.e.10 IISHF Regulations states the following:

 The Team Manager must latest eight weeks before the IISHF Men European Championships 2023 provide full team information:

  • An actual team photo (minimum 920 x 1.080 pixel).
  • Victories/successes of the last 10 years for the relevant team (age group) in English
  • Players List with names and shirt numbers of all players taking part in English
  • Team logo (minimum 920 x 1.080 pixel).
  • The complete team information has to be sent by email to the hosting club with a copy to the IISHF office.

The complete team information has as mentioned in the IISHF Regulations to be sent by e-mail to the hosting club (use the contact information given on with a copy (!!) to the IISHF Events (mail to Failure will result in fixed fines (50 EUR per week of delay) also for not sending a copy to IISHF.

Deadline has been fixed for the following European Championships 2023:

  • Until Thursday 21.09.2023 for the IISHF Men European Championships 2023 in Givisiez (Switzerland). Deadline 8 weeks.

The requested team information and the deadline applies for all participating national teams even for the hosting NMA since IISHF needs to get a copy of the team information from all participating national teams. The requested team information should still be delivered to IISHF even if any hosting NMA has contacted the participating national teams directly.

Please transfer this information a.s.a.p. to your teams participating. In case of any questions to accommodation and organisation, the teams shall please contact the relevant Event Directors as mentioned in the Tournament Rules.

Please also pay attention that each National Member Association must send not later than two weeks before each IISHF Title Event the completed and approved International Team Certificate (ITC) of all its teams to the IISHF ITC Manager (


On behalf of the IISHF Presidium

Erik Sommer (President)

Authored By: Erik Sommer
IISHF European Championships Men 2023 NMA ITC Approvers ITC Official Communication handling